Where to Start
1. Check with the Village’s Flood Assistance Coordinator (Phone: (708) 210-2915) on flooding in your area.
- Where does the water come from?
- Are you in the floodplain map’s Special Flood Hazard Area or floodway?
- How bad has it been in the past?
- How bad could it be? (Remember, the next flood can be worse than the last one.)
- What is an appropriate flood protection level? (How high should you prepare for?)
2. Check out your local drainage situation.
- Does water flow away from your house or does it tend to stand next to your walls?
- Is the ditch, stream or storm sewer that takes water away clear of debris or obstructions?
- Do the downspouts from your roof gutters direct water well away from your house?
- Do you have a sump pump? If so, does it direct water well away from your house?
3. Prepare for flooding by doing the following:
- Know the flood safety guidance.
- Mark your fuse or breaker box to show the circuits to the floodable areas.
- Know how to shut off the electricity and gas to your house when a flood comes.
- Make a list of emergency numbers and identify a safe place to go to.
- Make a household inventory, especially of basement contents.
- Put insurance policies, valuable papers, medicine, etc., in a safe place.
- Develop a disaster response plan – See the Red Cross website.
- Put cleaning supplies, batteries, camera, waterproof boots, etc. in a safe place.
4. Check the flood protection laws. Follow these rules, get permits for all your work, and report violations to the Planning and Development Department (210-2915).
5. Protect your house with appropriate flood protection measures.
6. Purchase flood insurance coverage.