South Holland’s Distinctive Traits
Here are some notable traits that make South Holland an enjoyable and unique community!
Quiet Sundays
The residents of South Holland thoroughly enjoy having Sunday as a quiet day each week. Many businesses in South Holland are closed on Sundays, even though any retail business may be open. While no ordinance prevents yard work, etc. on Sundays, most residents choose to keep Sunday as a quiet day.
No Liquor
South Holland is a “dry” town. There are no bars, and no liquor is sold within Village limits.
No Pornography
Pornography is not sold, and pornographic videos are not rented within Village limits.
Single Family Homes
There are no apartment complexes in South Holland. Here you will essentially find only single family residences.
Well-Maintained Homes
Residents take pride in their homes and property. Well manicured lawns and well-maintained homes have long been a hallmark of South Holland. A strong Code Enforcement department works to protect residents’ investments in their homes and properties.
A Community of Churches
South Holland is home to over 30 churches of many denominations.
Beautiful Parks
South Holland has 31 meticulously maintained parks ranging from small tot-lots to large community parks and a very large sports complex.
Involved Residents
South Holland residents take great pride in their community, and they are always looking for ways to enhance it. This is evidenced by the more than 200 residents who serve as volunteers on a host of commissions and committees such as the Education Commission, Economic Development Commission, Park Advisory Committee, Neighborhood Groups Organizing Committee, and many others.